Monday, March 26, 2007

Nana's Very Good JELLO!

This is my current favourite dessert of the moment. It gets me through the day!

1 large package JELLO
Choose your fave flave! These are mine listed in order.

#1. Black Cherry

#2. Lemon

#3. Cranberry

#4. Raspberry

#5. Strawberry
Mix according to package directions!

Certain amount of Whipping cream
Certain amount of Sweetener (not sugar)
A touch of Vanilla
Whip together until stiff.

Spoon JELLO into a pretty bowl. Top with whipped sweetened cream. Mix vigorously with your spoon and devour in under 1 minute! OR!! Leave the JELLO in one big "blob" and top with whipped cream, and shave off some of the jello and then some of the cream. This latter method is more time consuming as it takes a great deal of practise to end up with just the right amount of whipped cream for the the last bit of JELLO!

This is best at the end of a busy day! It is a refreshing dessert!! I am loving it!!!

1 comment:

leah said...

Mmmm...that looks refreshing and tasty! I need an entree to go with all these desserts!