Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Renewed Faith in Potatoes

Spud Light (From Eat, Shrink and Be Merry)

I made these potatoes to go with chicken tonight and they were so yummy! Andrew and I have been eating alot of rice and pasta lately because we just haven't been into potatoes lately...this recipe changed our Buds! Enjoy!

2 lbs mini red potatoes, unpeeled
1 Medium Red Onion, cut into wedges
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp chopped fresh rosemary or fresh thyme, or combination of both
2 tsp Balsamic vinegar
1 tsp minced garlic
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

-Preheat oven to 425. Spray 9by13 baking pan with cooking spray. Cut potatoes in half, or quarters if they're larger, and place in baking pan. Add onion,olive oil, rosemary,vinegar, and garlic. Toss vegetables until well coated.

-Roast, uncovered, for about 30 minutes. Check for doneness of potatoes. Can you stick a fork in them? If not stir and continue to roast until done.

-Remove from oven and transfer to serving dish and sprinkle with Salt and Pepper!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I made this recipe last night. I really liked them...very tasty! I think ron liked them too, although he is a potato-man for sure, and a bit of a purist! He did eat them! It was 9 pm and he was hungry!! I will definitely make them again!